

My Dumb Thoughts


Tony Woods

False Memories: I saw a Killer Whale in a River

I have two childhood memories, that part of my brain swears up and down to itself actually happened, and the other part responds with: “No, you dumbass, those aren’t real.”

It proves to me that false memories exist. Continue reading “False Memories: I saw a Killer Whale in a River”

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Plea To My Fellow Americans: Stop Being So Scared

My fellow Americans, we are cowards.

I’m sorry, but we are. I know you don’t want to hear that, and least of all admit to it. That hurts your pride. WE’RE THE STRONGEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD! Maybe in terms of military might, but mentally, we’re like a cracked egg. Continue reading “Plea To My Fellow Americans: Stop Being So Scared”

Butt-Chugging Cough Syrup?

Continue reading “Butt-Chugging Cough Syrup?”

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Response to Big Horny’s Racist Syrian Refugee Video

Fantasy Sports vs. State of New York: Why no one is “right”

Continue reading “Fantasy Sports vs. State of New York: Why no one is “right””

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